Business Owners
Making smarter choices yield better results...
Daily choices you make affect cash, profits, future wealth, tax savings and peace of mind. The biggest difference between businesses that prosper and businesses that struggle is those that prosper make SMARTER CHOICES. Successful businesses can make SMARTER CHOICES because they have financial information at all times. Timely and accurate financial reports can be the difference between success and failure.
Stressed from cash flpw pressure to meet payroll
Frustrated because I don’t really know where all my money goes
Annoyed I have to put off paying bills until I have the cash available
Everytime I turn around there’s another surprise expense
Discouraged by the harder I work, the less I seem to make
Upset that I have to keep paying through the nose for health benefits
Afraid, at the rate I’m going, I’ll never retire
If I sell my business, I’m worried I won’t get its true value
If I died today, no one would know what to do with my business
I am missing out on tax deductions that could help
Confused about the new kinds of 401K’s and IRA’s
My accountant treats me like a nobody, yet charges big fees
Worried my recordkeeping may not withstand an IRS audit
The financial burden is affecting my relationship with my family
Threatened by penalties up to 50% for non payment of payroll taxes